HARBOR Ozonesonde hardware links  

Ozonesonde Step-by-Step instructions and checklist.

Ozonesonde preflight check list version 1 (pdf)

Ozonesonde preflight check list version 2 (.docx)

Droplet Measurement Corp current ozonesonde manual 68 pages and very much updated 2014 version.

Droplet Measurement Corp pages on the ozonesonde with many links.

Ozonesonde manual 1 (EN-SCI Corp., August 2009, 31 pages)

Ozonesonde manual 2 (EN_SCI Corp., Nov. 2009, 24 pages)

Ozonesonde manual 3 (Univ. Alabama, Huntsville, very detailed.)

Ozonesonde starter kit contents


Intermet 403 MHz radiosonde system article

Access to the SkySonde software and related NOAA software. (Updated link on 2/3/2017.)

Ozonesonde software as a zip file. This contains O3_v1022 and PV7_v1025 installers.

Still to come: the Automated Tracking Antenna (ATA) software and hardware information.