Weber State University, HARBOR

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HARBOR Flight Data File Names

General Convention:

File names start with HAR to indicate HARBOR. If there is nothing else, this typically means a free flying balloon system.

 HARAero means that it is the Aerostat as flown by the HARBOR team. That means that HARAero data are all limited to approximately the bottom 500 feet of the atmosphere above ground level. These are all tethered flights.

The next indicator is the flight instrumentation. Thus,

The next designation is the date in descending order yymmdd or yyyymmdd.

The next designation is a dash followed by the START of the data flight or collection. This is in 24-hour format in local time. NOTE: any given file might contain multiple flights, so the start time is for the first flight.

Example: HARAeroOzone_20170202-720 = Ozonesonde data taken on Feb. 2, 2017 on a flight under the aerostat that started at 0720 MST.

Currently some AtmoSniffer data files are less obvious, the UWFPS file names have all be updated though. We are working on older files. In those directories the files are named either with the date-time designation or with a number that indicates a sequential save. That is, the AtmoSniffer was turned off then back on and a new set of files was created with the next number. The file types are: